Note that each episode is listed by the number it is given on the DVD set, and hour-long installments are considered two separate entries. (They are in AIRING ORDER.) Every episode this season is directed by Jay Sandrich, unless otherwise noted. Here are my picks for the ten best episodes of Season Two. For seasoned fans, there might be a few surprises. For new fans, this list will give you a place to start. Because of the high quality of this season, this list was the toughest to make. Nevertheless, I have picked ten episodes that I think exemplify this season’s strongest installments. Although we have been advised by Harris to not merely see Soap as a primetime satire of daytime TV, this season sure seems like one wicked parody of television dramas (and comedies) and how the medium crafts stories. In Season Two, the show incorporates more daytime tropes, as Chester’s amnesia and Corinne’s demon baby provide some of the more memorable story lines of the year, particularly because of the show’s regular employment of its tongue-in-cheek tone. Indeed, the show becomes even more daring - with gut-wrenching tragedy (like Elaine’s murder, which would feel out of place on almost any other sitcom), groundbreaking storytelling (including frank discusses about sex - it’s almost shocking how much they were able to get away with in ’78), and zany comedy (which intensifies at the end of the year when devil babies and alien spaceships rule the scripts). Soap‘s second season is the series’ most consistent, and as a result, stands as what we could probably term the show’s “golden age.” With all of the characters well established and explored in the first season, Harris and new writing partner Stu Silver are able to do almost anything they want. They do, however, have as many secrets.” Soap stars KATHERINE HELMOND as Jessica Tate, CATHRYN DAMON as Mary Campbell, RICHARD MULLIGAN as Burt Campbell, ROBERT MANDAN as Chester Tate, DIANA CANOVA as Corinne Tate, BILLY CRYSTAL as Jodie Dallas, TED WASS as Danny Dallas, JENNIFER SALT as Eunice Tate, ARTHUR PETERSON as The Major, JIMMY BAIO as Billy Tate, JAY JOHNSON as Chuck (and Bob) Tate, and ROBERT GUIILLAUME as Benson. As you can see the Campbell’s don’t have nearly as much money as the Tates. Unfortunately, life doesn’t seem to be too crazy about her. The Tates have more secrets than they do money. Jessica likes life, the only thing about life she would change if she could, is that she would set it all to music. Jessica lives in a neighborhood known as “rich”. “This is the story of two sisters, Jessica Tate and Mary Campbell.
I’m pleased to announce that the entire series has been released on DVD. Welcome to a new Sitcom Tuesday! Today, we’re continuing our coverage on the best episodes from Soap (1977-1981, ABC), perhaps the most controversial sitcom of the ’70s.